呢個 GOOVIS G3X 便攜收納包真係超好用!設計簡約而且非常實用,質地堅固,保護裝置非常到位。出街攜帶方便又輕巧,放晒所有配件都仲有多啲空間。手提帶設計貼心,手感舒適。值得推薦俾大家!
本身用咗佢隻細zip pouch幾年,因為發覺咭一多就難攞出嚟而轉用呢款。個suze合心水,用料亦如一般嘅好,唯一唔like嘅係細隔塊cover兩邊角車得太尖好拮手,對於銀包呢啲成日上手嘅物件嚟,真係令人好唔舒服,唯有自己將佢稍為磨平。
MYSTERY RANCH Forager Hip Mini 腰包
A fun, stylish, and great way to keep all your essentials within reach.
Able to be worn on hip, lumbar or shoulder and providing comfortable carry while making sure you have what you need close at hand. Both internal and external pockets keep everything in place and protected.
Swivel strap accommodates hip or over-the-shoulder carry
One internal zippered pocket
One hidden stretch pocket on the body side with snap closure
330d Robic ATY fabric
210d Robic Dynagin fabric
YKK® zippers
Weight: 0.2 kg
Volume: 1.3L
Dimensions: 11x20x10cm
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